SquashDrive Summer Wrap-up and more!

Where has the summer gone? While we know it has not been the usual summer for most of us, we wanted to share what SquashDrive has been up to. Our virtual summer programming has provided lots of activities and community bonding for our students. We are also excited to share a podcast by Mark Cohen of You Are Doing What? featuring Executive Director Lauren Xaba, as well as an update on our search for a new Executive Director. 


Summer Program

SquashDrive continued programming with three weeks of virtual summer camp. The Middle School’s summer program was led by our Middle School Coordinator, Alex, and Squash Coordinator, Daniel. It included online Math, Writing, & Fitness sessions, as well as a Book Club led by our Program Director, Sarah. Our committed volunteers were also engaged and continued individual tutoring sessions for all students who needed it. 

For our High School program, our High School Coordinator, Clovelle, and Director of College Access & Success, Hannah, had two groups participating in our weekly, mandatory themed-writing workshop, completing a independent project and attending an online transitional course (for the rising freshman in high school and college). 

All the participants had a lot of fun, and were able to stay connected to each other, while preparing for the upcoming start of school in a couple of weeks. 

We are also excited to share that Makayla, a rising 11th grader, participated in Squash and Education Alliance (SEA)'s Virtual Citizenship Tour. During the Tour, Makayla had the opportunity to engage with prominent leaders in government, journalism, education, policy, and the nonprofit community. She got to know like-minded students from across the SEA network and learned about ways to become more civically active in her community. To read more about the Tour, visit this link: https://seacitizenshiptour.org/.

SquashDrive Featured in a Podcast

Our Executive Director, Lauren, was recently featured in a podcast called Leveling the Playing Field with Mark Cohen of You Are Doing What?. In it, Lauren talks about how SquashDrive pivoted to keep supporting our students, families and community when COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place order dramatically altered everyone’s lives this past spring. Click here to listen to the podcast and visit Mark’s site, You Are Doing What? for more great content. 

Update on Executive Director Search

We have partnered with Edgility to help us with our search for our next Executive Director. They specialize in helping non-profits such as ours find the best person for the organization. Now we need your help spreading the word. The job posting can be found here - please feel free to share with your networks or to recommend qualified candidates. 

Squash Drive