Summer with SquashDrive
Summer 2019 for SquashDrive was packed with many camps, tournaments and training! We had student-athletes attend Deerfield, Stanford, and UVA Squads for elite squash training. We also had students attend academic camps at Choate Boarding School, Northwestern University, and Andover. Alondra, 8th grade, spent 3 weeks on Northwestern’s campus studying creative writing. Alondra expressed her excitement by sharing," my favorite part was writing my own fan fiction on paranormal activity."
SquashDrive high schoolers participated in two weeks of STEM Camp this past June, exploring different fields of STEM with daily field trips. Some of the highlights included Save the Bay and Google. At Google, students explored different career opportunities at Google as they toured the offices. They also had the opportunity to learn more about software engineering as they participated in an introductory coding activity. We look forward to more STEM field trips in the future!