SquashDrive enables Oakland youth to reach their full academic, athletic, and personal potential.

We do this through an integrated program of academic tutoring, squash instruction, and character building. Our goal is to help each student achieve success in high school, college, and beyond.


SquashDrive is a member of the Squash + Education Alliance (SEA) that supports 21 programs across the United States & 6 international affiliates.


of SquashDrive graduates go to college.


Provide academic tutoring & enrichment.

SquashDrive partners with UC Berkeley and members of the Bay Area business and volunteer communities to deliver 115 hours of homework help and tutoring each year.

Develop squash skills & healthy habits. 

Squash is a lifelong sport that teaches discipline, focus, and teamwork. Students compete in tournaments at clubs and colleges across the country. 83% of SquashDrive students are active for at least one hour, four or more days a week, compared with only 51% of adolescents in Alameda county.

Build character. 

Students build character through a range of service projects, cultural and mentor outings, travel opportunities, and adventure trips. 90% of students say that SquashDrive provides opportunities they would not normally get.


Meet Antonio. He wants to be an engineer, and we’re helping him build that future. 

View his success story > 


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Help us continue to grow and create more opportunities for Oakland youth.